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    src/core/debug.c on line 350, column 1

    (debug/stack fib)

    Gets information about the stack as an array of tables. Each table 
    in the array contains information about a stack frame. The 
    top-most, current stack frame is the first table in the array, and 
    the bottom-most stack frame is the last value. Each stack frame 
    contains some of the following attributes:

    * :c - true if the stack frame is a c function invocation

    * :source-column - the current source column of the stack frame

    * :function - the function that the stack frame represents

    * :source-line - the current source line of the stack frame

    * :name - the human-friendly name of the function

    * :pc - integer indicating the location of the program counter

    * :source - string with the file path or other identifier for the 
      source code

    * :slots - array of all values in each slot

    * :tail - boolean indicating a tail call

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