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    boot.janet on line 3329, column 1

    (doc &opt sym)

    Shows documentation for the given symbol, or can show a list of 
    available bindings. If `sym` is a symbol, will look for 
    documentation for that symbol. If `sym` is a string or is not 
    provided, will show all lexical and dynamic bindings in the current 
    environment containing that string (all bindings will be shown if 
    no string is given).

2 examplesSign in to add an example
(doc string)

# =>    cfunction
# =>    ../src/core/corelib.c on line 349, column 1
# =>
# =>    (string & xs)
# =>
# =>    Creates a string by concatenating the elements of xs together. If
# =>    an element is not a byte sequence, it is converted to bytes via
# =>    describe. Returns the new string.

# nil
# Find all bindings (in the current environment) with "push" in the name.
(doc "push")

#    Bindings:
#    array/push buffer/push buffer/push-byte buffer/push-string
#    buffer/push-word
#    Dynamics:
#    Use (doc sym) for more information on a binding.