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    src/core/ev.c on line 982, column 1

    (ev/select & clauses)

    Block until the first of several channel operations occur. Returns 
    a tuple of the form [:give chan], [:take chan x], or [:close chan], 
    where a :give tuple is the result of a write and :take tuple is the 
    result of a read. Each clause must be either a channel (for a 
    channel take operation) or a tuple [channel x] for a channel give 
    operation. Operations are tried in order, such that the first 
    clauses will take precedence over later clauses. Both and give and 
    take operations can return a [:close chan] tuple, which indicates 
    that the specified channel was closed while waiting, or that the 
    channel was already closed.

See also:ev/rselect0 examplesSign in to add an example