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    (get ds key &opt dflt)

    Get the value mapped to key in data structure ds, and return dflt 
    or nil if not found. Similar to in, but will not throw an error if 
    the key is invalid for the data structure unless the data structure 
    is an abstract type. In that case, the abstract type getter may 
    throw an error.

2 examplesSign in to add an example
(get      [4 5 6]   -1     )  # => nil
(in       [4 5 6]   -1  42 )  # error
(get-in   [4 5 6]  [-1] 42 )  # => 42

(get     {:a 1}   -1     )  # => nil
(in      {:a 1}   -1  42 )  # => 42
(get-in  {:a 1}  [-1] 42 )  # => 42

(get  [10 11 12 13]  0  )  # => 10
(get  {:a 10 :b 20}  :a )  # => 10

(get  [10 11 12]  99  )  # => nil
(get  [10 11 12]  -1  )  # => nil
(get  [10 11 12]  -2  )  # => nil
(get  {:a 1}      :z  )  # => nil

(map  (fn [x] (get x 0))   [  'a  :a  "a"  [97]  @[97]  {0 97}  @{0 97}  ])
# =>                      @[  97  97  97   97    97     97      97       ]