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    (in ds key &opt dflt)

    Get value in ds at key, works on associative data structures. 
    Arrays, tuples, tables, structs, strings, symbols, and buffers are 
    all associative and can be used. Arrays, tuples, strings, buffers, 
    and symbols must use integer keys that are in bounds or an error is 
    raised. Structs and tables can take any value as a key except nil 
    and will return nil or dflt if not found.

4 examplesSign in to add an example
(in :yo 0)
# => 121
(in "yo" 0)
# => 121
(get      [4 5 6]   -1     )  # => nil
(in       [4 5 6]   -1  42 )  # error
(get-in   [4 5 6]  [-1] 42 )  # => 42

(get     {:a 1}   -1     )  # => nil
(in      {:a 1}   -1  42 )  # => 42
(get-in  {:a 1}  [-1] 42 )  # => 42
(in  [10 11 12 13]  0   42 )  # => 10
(in  {:a 10 :b 20}  :a  42 )  # => 10

(in  [10 11 12]  99 42 )  # error
(in  [10 11 12]  -1 42 )  # error
(in  [10 11 12]  -2 42 )  # error
(in  {:a 1}      :z 42 )  # => 42

(map  (fn [x] (in x 0 42))   [  'a  :a  "a"  [97]  @[97]  {0 97}  @{0 97}  {:a 1} ])
# =>                        @[  97  97  97   97    97     97      97       42     ]