boot.janet on line 1437, column 1
(invert ds)
Given an associative data structure `ds`, returns a new table where
the keys of `ds` are the values, and the values are the keys. If
multiple keys in `ds` are mapped to the same value, only one of
those values will become a key in the returned table.
(invert [(chr "y") (chr "o")])
# => @{111 1 121 0}
(invert :yo)
# => @{111 1 121 0}
(invert "yo")
# => @{111 1 121 0}
(invert [:ant :bee :elephant :fox :penguin])
# => @{:bee 1 :fox 3 :elephant 2 :ant 0 :penguin 4}
(invert {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
# => @{3 :c 1 :a 2 :b}