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    src/core/net.c on line 768, column 1

    (net/read stream nbytes &opt buf timeout)

    Read up to n bytes from a stream, suspending the current fiber 
    until the bytes are available. `n` can also be the keyword `:all` 
    to read into the buffer until end of stream. If less than n bytes 
    are available (and more than 0), will push those bytes and return 
    early. Takes an optional timeout in seconds, after which will 
    return nil. Returns a buffer with up to n more bytes in it, or 
    raises an error if the read failed.

1 exampleSign in to add an example
# in a terminal:
# $ while true; do date | nc 1234 -w 1; sleep 1; done

# in a janet repl:
(net/server "" 1234
  (fn [conn]
    (prin (net/read conn 4096))
    (net/close conn)))
# note: output doesn't actually start until you (quit) your repl's fiber: