boot.janet on line 3610, column 3
(net/server host port &opt handler type)
Start a server asynchronously with `net/listen` and
`net/accept-loop`. Returns the new server stream.
# note, if running a server from the repl, you need to (quit) your repl.
# in a terminal:
# $ while true; do date | nc 1234 -w 1; sleep 1; done
# in a janet repl:
(net/server "" 1234
(fn [conn]
(prin (net/read conn 4096))
(net/close conn)))
# output doesn't actually start until you (quit) your repl's fiber:
$ # trivial server which echo's to the console.
$ cat > srv.janet << EOF
#!/usr/bin/env janet
(defn handle-conn [conn]
(print "new connection")
(while true
(def data (net/read conn 4096))
(if (not data) (break))
(prin data))
(net/close conn)
(print "connection closed"))
(print "starting server on")
(net/server "" 1234 handle-conn)
$ chmod +x srv.janet
$ ./srv.janet
$ # in another terminal:
$ echo hello | nc 1234