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    src/core/os.c on line 1891, column 1

    (os/chmod path mode)

    Change file permissions, where `mode` is a permission string as 
    returned by `os/perm-string`, or an integer as returned by 
    `os/perm-int`. When `mode` is an integer, it is interpreted as a 
    Unix permission value, best specified in octal, like 8r666 or 
    8r400. Windows will not differentiate between user, group, and 
    other permissions, and thus will combine all of these permissions. 
    Returns nil.

1 exampleSign in to add an example
(spit "/tmp/hello.sh" "#!/bin/bash\necho 'Hello from Bash!'\n")
(os/chmod "/tmp/hello.sh" "rwx------")
(os/setenv "PATH" (string (os/getenv "PATH") ":/tmp"))
(os/shell "hello.sh")