src/core/os.c on line 1428, column 1
(os/mktime date-struct &opt local)
Get the broken down date-struct time expressed as the number of
seconds since January 1, 1970, the Unix epoch. Returns a real
number. Date is given in UTC unless `local` is truthy, in which
case the date is computed for the local timezone.
Inverse function to os/date.
(defn parse-date
"Parses YYYY-MM-DD date format to time"
(let [[year month day] (map scan-number (string/split "-" date))]
(os/mktime {:year year :month month :day day})))
(print (parse-date "2021-01-01")) # 1612137600
(os/time) # => 1593838384
(os/date) # => {:month 6 :dst false :year-day 185 :seconds 8 :minutes 53 :week-day 6 :year 2020 :hours 4 :month-day 3}
(os/mktime (os/date)) # => 1593838390