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    boot.janet on line 867, column 1

    (reduce f init ind)

    Reduce, also know as fold-left in many languages, transforms an 
    indexed type (array, tuple) with a function to produce a value by 
    applying `f` to each element in order. `f` is a function of 2 
    arguments, `(f accum el)`, where `accum` is the initial value and 
    `el` is the next value in the indexed type `ind`. `f` returns a 
    value that will be used as `accum` in the next call to `f`. 
    `reduce` returns the value of the final call to `f`.

See also:accumulatereduce21 exampleSign in to add an example
(reduce (fn [s1 s2]
          (string "[" s1 "+" s2 "]"))
        ["a" "b" "c"])

#=> "[[[x+a]+b]+c]"