src/core/string.c on line 440, column 1
(string/split delim str &opt start limit)
Splits a string `str` with delimiter `delim` and returns an array
of substrings. The substrings will not contain the delimiter
`delim`. If `delim` is not found, the returned array will have one
element. Will start searching for `delim` at the index `start` (if
provided), and return up to a maximum of `limit` results (if
(string/split "\n" @"works\nfor\nbuffers\ntoo")
# => @["works" "for" "buffers" "too"]
(defn slurp-lines [path]
(string/split "\n" (slurp path)))
(string/split "," "bruce,scott,tiger,woods")
# => @["bruce" "scott" "tiger" "woods"]