boot.janet on line 380, column 1
(with [binding ctor dtor] & body)
Evaluate `body` with some resource, which will be automatically
cleaned up if there is an error in `body`. `binding` is bound to
the expression `ctor`, and `dtor` is a function or callable that is
passed the binding. If no destructor (`dtor`) is given, will call
:close on the resource.
# Setup
(spit "poem.txt" "I’ve decided to tackle it\nIt’s going to get done")
# A version of head -n 1, but entirely in Janet
# Note, that because files in Janet support :close as a method
# we don't have to define a dtor.
# There might be other closing work to do, of course
(with [f (file/open "poem.txt")] (print (:read f :line))) # => "I've decided to tackle it"
(os/shell "echo bar > /tmp/foo")
(file/open "/tmp/foo")
(fn [fd] (file/close fd))]
(file/read file-handle :all)) # => @"bar\n"